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E-Learning Centre Train students for Online Examination

Students unable to navigate the virtual classroom platform are likely to encounter difficulties during their midsemester or end of semester examination. In a webinar to prepare students towards the online examination, Registrar of the E-Learning Centre, Christopher Addo, revealed exams for courses like communication skills will be conducted online.

Online Examss

Colleges within the university are mandated to undergo this training for exam preparation. Students are required to log on to the virtual classroom at, proceed to the dashboard, and acquaint themselves with the usage of virtual classroom platform.

This will prevent any inconveniences accessing the platform during examination. On the dashboard of each student, instructions, questions to be answered and the attempts allowed are displayed.

Christopher Addo warns of one attempt quizzes where after submission is done, the attempt is over. “One attempt means if you should close the submission before the right time, it means your time is over. You can have about 30 or 60 questions to answer. If you answer your questions and make a mistake by clicking ‘submit and finish’, it means the attempt is over. If there is any problem, talk to the invigilator,” he said.

The online exams will be written at supervised computer laboratories on campus. Students are advised to locate these labs ahead of the exams using google location that will be sent out to them.

Published:13th February 2024 Source: KNUST E-Learning Centre