All First Year Students sit for Online Examination in Communication Skills
From Tuesday, March 7, 2023, to Thursday, March 9, 2023, all first-year students at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology took an online Communication Skills (ENGL 157) Examination in seven sessions each day with a 30-minute break in between. The University had eight (8) venues where it was moderated. In total, twelve thousand, six hundred and twenty-three (12,623) candidates took the examinations.
Several initiatives were taken to educate students about the examination process prior to the online exam, which includes webinars and tutorial videos from the E-Learning Centre. All First-Year class representatives from all of the colleges were directly engaged at the Evans Anfom Auditorium to acknowledge them as stakeholders, gain their views and input, and address their concerns and difficulties. The engagement was intended to enable them to be able to support their fellow college students. They were instructed in the techniques to be used as a way of ensuring that the students grasped the structure and guidelines of the exam. The UITS Support Team, the Online Examination Team, and the E-Learning Service Support were all present, along with the Head of the English Department.
The pilot online exams’ successful implementation will serve as a model for future exams in other courses and programs, and it has the potential to improve the standard of instruction and learning at the University. The value and efficiency of the online assessment process are attested to by the favourable feedback and recommendations obtained from a variety of faculty members and the general student populace.
Published:28th March 2023 Source: KNUST E-Learning Centre