Students cautioned against sharing passwords to curb impersonation

A System analyst at the University Information Technology Services, KNUST, Foster Sedem Kwame Dedume is cautioning students against sharing credentials. He observes an increasing report of impersonation. “If someone has access to your credentials, they may even access the wi-fi in your name. Illegal websites can be accessed and you will be penalized. This is because the credentials were given to you in confidence. Courses may even be registered on your behalf without you knowing. The person may also have access to your results and what you do with your fees,” he said.
Mr. Dedume again warned the students risks dismissal if found to be engaging in illegal online acivities. “You’ll be kicked off the University’s network services and losing their credentials if there is a detection of cyber bullying, hacking, gaming, betting, gambling, fraud or sharing copyrighted materials,” he said. Abeiku Arthur, also a System Analyst at the UITS, charged students to visit the virtual classroom daily to prevent missing time limit of assignments and quizzes. “A lecturer can put a quiz over there. Quizzes are timed. At a particular time, you have to log into the virtual classroom or it can be an assignment. You have to hand in the assignment into the virtual classroom. Make it a point to visit the virtual classroom at least a day. This will make you know what is going on,” he advised. Students were advised to visit the help desk of the UITS or the E-learning Centre to resolve all IT related issues. These concerns came up when The E-learning Centre of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology organized a webinar to resolve this challenge of invalid log-ins among students. Experts from the University Information Technology Services (UITS), presented students with ways to make good use of their credentials in accessing online resource platforms.
Published:30th January, 2024 Source: KNUST E-Learning Centre